Friday, January 4, 2013

Minty Mind

Okay, Today I didn't go to school.. I'm lazy T____T I know!
It was 2pm and my mom earlier this week planned to go to Ormoc City to shop.. She meant this Saturday..
I don't know why but when I was still lounging on my bed... She barged into my room saying get ready with in 15.. We'll go to Ormoc.. I was like... "WTH?" I haven't even washed my face yet ! haha! okay. EWW!
I went frantic! Curled my hair for 5 minutes.. Imagine ! 5 minutes ! but forgot to put hairspray So when we arrived the curls were loose -__- I just put on powder and that's it , I went simple today , since I didn't have time to dress up! :'( I was soo annoyed..! hahaha.
Anyways, here is my outfit for today ! ;D 

This was taken at the Parking Area of our favorite restaurant :)
Chito's Chow ! Sorry for the blurry photo ! I asked our driver to take this & even though I explained to him how to focus the camera, he can't! hahaha! Oh Well Noy Dodong ! better luck next time :)

I love the lighting in this part of our living room ;D

MY HAIR !!! T_______T


I moved. Mom was laughing! I was using a tripod. No one wanted to take my photos tonight :(

smooooyl :3

shirt: Glam-more-ross
Jeans: Forever21
Necklace: Forever21
Shoes: Payless (Thanks Tita Eunice for this :D )
Bag: Moms
Curled my hair using BaByliss curling iron
Skull Bracelet; Noel Bazaar
Spike Bracelet; Tomato

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