Saturday, January 19, 2013

Rockin' nude + NEWS!!!

Hello Ladies!
I decided earlier  that I'm going to do an every weekend blogging !
I mean, I can't blog everyday since I have school, maybe some days I can blog.. But I had this idea why not blog about my weekend? From Friday Night up to Sunday Night ! :)
Comment down below if y'all like the idea ! I will post my first WEEKEND DIARY tonight! Anyhow, here's my outfit for today ! :)


favorite photo of the bunch ! lol


shirt; glam-more-ross boutique
nude tank top; forever21
jeans; forever21
necklace/peter pan collar; Landmark
shoes; paylesss
Skull bracelet;  Noel bazaar

Stay tuned for my WEEKEND DIARY! & also expect a give-away! :) Follow me & don't miss out! 

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