Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cleaning my room for New Year's Eve !

Hey Guys ! I'm not that kind of messy person, but I don't know what happens, I clean my room on the weekends & 2-3 days after.. "POOF" back to being messy again. Mom was rambling to me to clean my room before New Year's Eve, So I did it. Trust me, I don't want to live in a messy room.

The entrance , filled with shoes that I wore :/ See that pink towel? I used it to dry my brushes !

eeeeek ! My bed, full of clothes!


tripod that I used for shooting

ahhhhh :) clean pathway !

my bed is made !



clean desk!

new storage boxes :) great for organizing!

I hope, you all get inspired to clean your rooms ! :)

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