Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hey guys :) Long time no post :/ It's been like 21 days to be exact . :p SORRRRRRY!
First valid reason is that my netbook got broken (hard drive problems) And for it to get it fixed costs 2,800 pesos, And my mom was like, "PALIT NALANG UG BAG-O" ( Let's just buy a new one) SO that made me really excited though I had to wait for about 2 weeks :P It was my moms birthday yesterday (February 22nd) Instead of giving her a present she gave me this Acer Laptop :)))) yey ! In silver It really looks like a MacBook ! PRAMIIIIIS :''') anyways, we'll go home tomorrow ... GOODNIGHT WILL BLOG MORE TOMORROW ! hooray ;) kisses

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