Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hooray For Blogging Filming!

Hi guys, Yes I know, I've been keeping up with my blog :) hmmmm... All of my classmates know that I really want a DSLR, because I love taking photos & videos for my blog & also for personal memorabilia purposes. Having a Dslr doesn't mean you are a PRO to when it comes to taking photos. Trust me, I'm a hella beginner when it comes to these things.. Anyways, I think I've been asking to have my own since last year or the year before. So that's a little bit more than a year/2 years. Now, this year I asked my mom not to throw a party for my Sweet 16, but she did because it's again, like a tradition already. But she said she'll buy me one.... So,,,, tadadadaaaaah! I got my baby today ! :) 10/26/2013 @ 3:48 PM :)) woooot!!!

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