Monday, April 14, 2014


           Okay, so technically.. I already finished HIGH SCHOOL! Thank the LORD! I hated it there :( Okay, I know some people like High School (MOST AWESOME) as what others say. In these years, this is where they could know who they really are, find their niche, grow up, fall In love ( I think?!) , and become a little bit more independent. But, for me? naaah! Let's not talk about it. HAHAHA ! It's kind of a personal topic in which I don't want people to read here in my blog. 

          My vacation is supposed to start at the 27th because we were supposed to attend one of my grandma's 80th birthday in Bacolod. Sadly, my mom couldn't make it because she was ill. Nevertheless, A few days after that we went to Cebu for my check-up. Because in my condition now, I really need to be supervised by my doctors. For now I have 3 (three) omfg! I know life sucks. But God is here to help me over come those. Maybe, not now but I know he's beside me. Guiding me, guarding me, and protecting me. For when the times where I felt I was about to give up. He gave me strength and encouragement to push even harder. okay, Getting dramatic here. anyways.. I have two vacations that are already planned ahead. One will be Last week of April and then the second one is on the 1st week of May. ahhhh! so EXCITED!
Anyways, I know I haven't blogged for a long time, but I've been kind of active in YOUTUBE, TWITTER and INSTAGRAM.  LINKS are at the side ------------------>

Okay, Will update  you guys soon! and oh! Will post some of my mom's birthday pictures within this week :D hihi Goodnight, Good morning, Good afternoon :) Wherever you are! 

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