Sunday, January 27, 2013

PROM NIGHT :) 1/25/13

Hey Girlies :) Our Prom was on Friday :) Late Upload. I know! Sorry! Our internet connection was really annoying, Idk what happened but I can't use it.. anyways, now that It's here I wanna show you some photos from our PROM :) If y'all are asking I did my own make-up :) Yes ! hehe! many of my classmates couldn't believe it. HAHA! God given talent *wink-wink*
hmmm. anyways, my hair was done by Mr. Troy , and I LOVED it ! Thanks miss Troy ;))

ME WITH MY MAMA :) Who is much more excited than I am ;P

ME & MR. LAI  :)



class photo. hahahaha! 

me & my BESTIE :)

again, me & Mr. JHOAQUIM. hahah! This photo was taken while we were dancing :D




MY BESTIES !!!! <3 <3 <3

formal-wacky :P

It didn't turn out well at first, because my prom date/partner had to walk a girl first .. SO I thought he would come back for me from the entrance of the gym, sadly he didn't :( I was lucky there was a guy there and said "shall we?" ofcourse, I said yes! considering I would be lonely & would enter alone. SPELL awkward. I stood there all alone :/ It was okay for me first during our practice, but for our PROM? okay, you really have  to pay back ! Honestly, I wanted to cry... Prom gud ni! Nya ing-ana on lang ko niya. SCREW YOU!
I , until now is really hurt & sad. anyways, back to the story... He came back when it was time to exchange the candle & the rose. I didn't say a word. All of that were done. k. FAST FORWARD. >>>>>>

The time when the emcee's (teachers to be exact) announced, "It's time to ask the one you want to DANCE" ok, many guys danced with me, and I'm THANKFUL :) They've made my night a memorable one, an hour left before our prom was officially over, while I was dancing with I think Mr. Jhouaquim, I saw my date Mr. John Patrick there, DANCING infront of me with my classmate :| traydor kaayo :(  It's okay with me, but I just want respect. THAT'S ALL! Even though a 30 second dance with him would make me feel better. But, NO! None of that happened. Well, I don't care anymore. Guys, JUNIORS & SENIORS, whom I am close with & whom I am not dance with me :))) It made me surprised that even though some people who don't notice me at school, cared & shared their time with me to dance, Now that is a gentleman. :)
ANYWAYS, I LOVED MY PROM, it made me realize that I don't need a partner to be HAPPY :D